General Fitness Related FAQ's

Explore our FAQ section to learn more about our products and to find additional information about us.

What is the difference between animal-based protein and plant-based protein?

In simple words, animal-based protein is sourced directly from animal products such as eggs, meat, and dairy, while plant-based protein is sourced from plants and nuts. Animal-based proteins tend to have a more complete amino acid profile when compared to plant proteins, but this is easily supplemented by consuming multiple sources of plant proteins. Plant protein also tends to have less saturated fats than animal protein and is richer in fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

How much protein should I be consuming a day?

It's important to consume protein so your body can effectively rebuild the muscle fibers you're breaking down during weight training. According to the Dietary Reference Intake for macronutrients, it is recommended that the average adult consumes 0.5 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. We believe it is best to spread out your protein intake throughout your day and especially eat high quality protein sources.

How do animal-based proteins affect the environment?

Animal-based protein products cost the Earth a high impact on the environment. This is due to the cost of land, water, and energy required to maintain animal agriculture. Animal-based products also produce much more greenhouse gas emissions and waste.

How clean is EVR-FIT Edge protein powder?

Our plant-based protein powders are non-GMO and gluten-free tested as well as approved. Additionally, they're also keto and vegan-friendly. Our ingredients are all-natural, antioxidant-rich, dairy and soy free, and contain 30g of plant proteins as well as 5g of naturally occurring BCAAs.

Where can I buy EVR-FIT Edge Protein Powder?

Our plant-based protein powder can be found in both flavors, Chocolate, and Antioxidant Berry Blend, on Amazon. Shipping details for your location can be found there.

Will plant protein affect muscle growth?

In short: no, as long as you're consuming a variety of plant foods. You can still get a complete protein profile with vegan protein - just like you would consuming meat. A study in 2012 by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition demonstrated that vegetarian athletes performed as well as athletes on meat-eating diets. EVR Fit Edge is a complete protein with 5 grams BCAAS which assist with muscle recovery.